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What is a Traditional Easter Dinner?

There are all sorts of traditions surrounding Easter, and some of them start with buying lamb online! Indeed, lamb is one of the most traditional parts of the Easter dinner, which is strange, given how many people associate the holiday with ham. Still, we’re getting ahead of ourselves! Let’s start with the other common traditions! […]

Best Meats to Smoke for Beginners

We couldn’t be happier to hear that you are considering smoking some delicious meats. When you order meat online, you get all the pleasure of cooking and preparing it as well. This makes smoking a great choice for everyone looking to experiment with flavour and different cooking techniques.    But, just because you have a […]

Best Meats For Keto

While there have been many fad diets throughout the years, the industry, in general, has become more regular and unwilling to support passing phases. So while “juice cleanses” have been pushed to the fringes, science-based diets are getting a new turn in the limelight. One of these is the ketogenic diet. The keto diet promises […]

How to Make a Turducken

We’ve all heard the legends. A dish made not of one, or two, but three different types of poultry. The one, the only; the Turducken. A fusion of dark, light and all-around delicious meat. Today we look at how to make a turducken after your initial step of ordering chicken online.  3 Ways to Make […]

How to Make Easy Stuffed Christmas Turkey

The holidays are a wonderful time for many families. The bright colours, festive decorations and quality time are all fantastic ways to bring joy and happiness to your loved ones. But, more than anything, we get together to eat and be merry together. The holiday meal is the centrepiece of every celebration. Plus, the meal […]

How to Find Cooked Chicken for Christmas

You can practically feel it in the air, can’t you? The cooler temperatures, the whispers of the leaves skating along the ground; winter is here! Now, while many people wish to look upon this part of the year as a cold and negative place, we have no such reservations at Bow River Meat Market. Indeed, […]

What Is The Most Expensive Steak Cut In The World?

If you want to order meat online, it’s best always to order, well, the best. But the best comes with a hefty price. Which begs the question: what is the most expensive meat steak cut in the world?  Quick hint: it’s not Alberta beef (sorry to say, although it’s still pretty amazing). But when you […]

Chicken Vs Turkey: What’s Better for You?

It is a debate that sees a lot of action across the internet. Chicken or turkey; what is healthier? This pair of poultry has devout followers on both sides of the board, but is there really a difference?  The short answer is no. Both ordering chicken online and ordering turkey online are fairly equal in […]

Ordering Steaks Online: Advantages of a High-Quality Vendor

If you have ever watched cooking shows online, or on the Food Network, you may have noticed a common piece of advice given by the best chefs from around the world.  This piece of advice is so vital to the cooking process, and ultimately, the quality of the finished product, that it is amazing more […]